Make plans to attend the Seminar “LNG dla transportu i przemysłu”, which will be held on March 7th during Transport Week at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk in Sopot. The event will be organized as a part of the GoLNG Project, co-financed by INTERREG Baltic Sea Region programme.
The seminar will be focused on the development of the small scale LNG in road transport and industry.
The goal of the conference is to discuss the current condition of the domestic LNG market and analyse the potential role of LNG in transport and energy sectors. Event also aims to officially inaugurate Polish LNG Platform.
The seminar is addressed to the LNG market stakeholders, including gas, fuel and shipbuilding industry, transportation and academic sector, regional and local authorities.
Seminar will be held in polish language.
If you have additional questions, please contact Karolina Lubiejewska .
Where & when
University of Gdańsk
Faculty of Economics, New C Wing
ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121
Sopot, Poland